
hang on

(secondhand grey textured sweater, secondhand black faux pants, hermes replica tote bag, bad loafers)

i just don't know what to do now. my grandma got a terrible sick of her blood vessels and should opname.
i love her so muches. may god bless her and keep her everyday and everytime. i just give her my best prays.
just have a excited thrifting too with my friends today, and unfortunately today is not our lucky day.
we met with some stingy sellers and can't get some cute stuffs with low price. ugh.
but, i'll back to there to find some wishlist. wish me luck!

and today i saw "in a relationship" status between my crush and my bestfr on school.
how nice...................................................

now playing Blue Sky Collapse by Adhitia Sofyan. 

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